Monday, March 28, 2011

Who's Counting?

As it has been well stated in the past few weeks, I'm trying to lose a few pounds.  This is not a middle-age crisis thing (if I live to be 120 then I have 10 more years until I'm officially middle-aged) it is simply a way to stay healthy and get my BP a little lower.  Besides running a few miles a week I am watching what I eat and counting calories.  The counting part is easy because "There's an App for that". 

One day last week for breakfast I grabbed a box of "Healthy" cereal off the shelf, read the serving size & nutritional info and poured myself about 100 calories.  When I looking at the bowl I was shocked!  "Is that ALL!?"  I used a very small spoon to eat breakfast that morning so that could stretch that 100 calorie bowl as long as possible. Now for the kicker.  Whilst re-shelfing that box I decided to check out the "Un-Healthy" cereal's nutritional info. Please note that this box of sugary delight was purchased when the last missionary-house-guests-with-kids were in town.  Honest!  This is what I discovered - I could have almost twice as many "Froot-Loops" for the same amount of calories as the healthy stuff.  There is absolutely nothing Special about Special K.  Do you hear me? 

Never assume one thing is better than another until you read the box.  In life we need to base our behavior on God's Word.  It's here we discover the true value of things.  We are warned about the "deceitfulness of riches", about not being filled with "our own devises" but we also read about how truly great Love is, and just how much the smallest dose of Faith can accomplish.  If you fill your life up with things of little worth then one day you will take a close look and ask yourself, "Is that ALL?", and you will discover that you are very empty.

“Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day.”
Psalm 71:8

Chuck (216)

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