Saturday, September 3, 2011

You are what you eat

Last week was a real eye-opener for me concerning eating and running.  If you follow my Run Keeper posts you may have noticed that I've steadily increased the length of my runs, and longer runs require more energy to keep this body of mine moving forward.  Last week was very busy with VBS at Church but I still planned to have at least one long run.  So Thursday I ran ten miles and it was terrible!  Because of VBS I had not been eating sensibly.  Also that morning I woke up a little late and just had a hand full of dry cereal before I headed out the door.  Ten miles later I felt sick & wiped out.  That was the first time I had ever puked (graphic but true) after running and I was exhausted for the rest of the day.  In contrast, this week in preparation for my official long run I had a pasta dinner the night before.  I got up an hour before I ran and had a bowl of grits with honey.  Nine and half miles later I felt great, I had plenty of energy and could have kept going.  I'm telling you, it's all about what goes in you that determines what you can expect to get out.

So why do we starve ourselves of the Word of God so often?  Why do we fill ourselves with junk and then expect spiritual power when we need it?  Why do we rise up too late to spend the time we need to prepare for the long and trying tasks before us each day and then are surprised that we are exhausted and spiritually wiped out at the end of it?  Victory is all about what goes in to us, for that will certainly determine what we can expect to get when we need it the most.

Chuck (197)
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