Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mug of the Month

Since we were talking about coffee mugs the other day, I was reminded of an amusing practice from several years ago, "The Mug of the Month".  Several fellow employees of the Paul Mueller Co were involved in this activity on a regular basis.  We would bring in new mugs at the beginning of each month to use in the office.  This served two main purposes, first it built camaraderie among the participants but mainly it was a means of humorous distraction from the office environment.

Here are some other distractions:

1) Dead Fish Parties: Several of us would meet in a conference room about once a quarter for lunch.  The only requirement to attend was bring some type of dead aquatic creature, as long as it came in a can (i.e. sardines, clams ...)

2) Pepper Head Parties:  "Pepper Head" refers to someone who enjoys eating hot peppers, and the hotter the better.  This was normally an annual events and often included many of the Dead-Fishers.

3) Holiday Munchies:  Any Holiday would do.  Ground Hogs Day, April Fools Day, Birthdays and of course all the standard ones too.  My dear wife was  greatly appreciated in my office for her tremendous baking skills.  I think that's why they kept me on so long.

4) Comic Strips:  Posting comic strips with textual modifications would always draw a crowd to a cubical.  Favorites to modify and post were the Far Side & Dilbert.  "Where's Waldo" would show up now and then because we had a manager who looked just like Waldo.

This is just a glimpse of how we tried to keep our sanity in the work place, although that list doesn't sound like the product of mental stability.  In the office the goal was to fabricate a mechanism which would bind employees together to function as a synergy.  In Christ we don't need to fabricate anything, we need only to allow the commonness which we share to knit us together.  When the Spirit of God is quenched the bond is strained but when we are walking in the Spirit then being in "One Accord" becomes more than just a car joke.


Monday, November 29, 2010


As professional grand-parents, my dear wife and I have plenty of items around the house for the grand-babies to play with.  There are blocks & books and trucks & ducks.  Yes, thats right, there is an assortment of yellow, rubber ducks.  The kids love them.  But one of the categories of amusements in the front parlor which gets a lot of attention are the puzzles.  We have several 24 piece, jumbo-size, easy-to-assemble, floor puzzles.  I grew up with puzzles and have always enjoyed them so I wanted to make sure my grand-kids had an opportunity to gain the same appreciation.

The process is simple, I sit on the floor and start working on a puzzle.  The GB say, "Hey, Pop-Pop, can I help?"  We begin by me handing them a piece and they put it where I tell them.  After a while, as they get older and more familiar with the puzzle, I hand them a piece and coach them into finding the right place for it.  Eventually they do the puzzle themselves and I just watch and enjoy what they are enjoying doing.

 Kids need guidance and direction and hands on  experience so that they will eventually do things on there own.  But life, as it is with a puzzle, has a right way and a wrong way of assembly.  A puzzle only goes together one way, and life only works one way, and that's God's way.  When things don't fit, look at the image on the box, and see how it's supposed to look and then correct what is in your hands until your puzzle is the same as the image.  If you have it right it doesn't need to be forced, it just falls into place. That just seems so simple.

Chuck (216)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Left Overs

Have you had enough turkey left overs?  Thursday, Friday and Saturday!  Today we ate Chinese Takeout.  I really do like turkey but it just seems that packing all our annual turkey eating into a few day is over doing it.  Many people do that with there religious life.  They pack all their churching into the holiday season and get their fill for the year.  There is not lasting benefit, just bloating.  No steady diet, just a deluge and then drowsiness.    

“As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” (1Peter 2:2-3)


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Twas the Month before ...

I love Thanksgiving and everything that goes along with it, including the extra pounds I've gained.  But now we are on a countdown to Christmas.  Every year there are some things that are always done the same. My dear wife already has plans for Christmas Eve with all the kids coming over after Church services.  We will be eating kielbasa and many other hor doeuves and opening up a gift or two.  Tonight we were at B&J's place to help start something new, we helped GB#1,2 & 5 decorate their tree.  We all had a blast.
Traditions old and new all add up to the memories which make the holiday season so special.  A few years ago I jokingly said I was going to start a new tradition with a jar of pickled okra.  I took it to a family dinner and told everyone it was a Christmas Okra.  Somethings don't catch on very easily.  But there are some traditions that ought to easy to maintain, like making it out to Church services, reading the Bible on Christmas morning, singing Happy Birthday to Jesus and remembering to be Thankful.  The world may have a difficult time keeping Christ in their Christmas but believers in Christ shouldn't.  With or without the pickled okra, Christmas is still about Christ.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday Favorites:

For this week's Friday Favorite I present my favorite coffee mug.  I use this one most of the time I'm at the house.  The character is Opus of the Bloom County comic strip from many years ago.  I was a fan of that comic strip because of it witty political and social satire.   I even had a "Bill the Cat" tee shirt (Ack!).  Opus was taken in by Michael Binkley, as a stray dog, after losing track of his mother during the Falkland War.  It's a long story, but Opus eventually becomes Bill the Cat's running mate in the Presidential election. One of the reoccurring themes from Bloom County was Opus' trips to the meadow for a "Dandelion Break".  We all need that every now and then.  When the noise of this sin sick world begins to overwhelm us we need to, like Jesus once instructed His disciples, "Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while".  We all need a "Dandelion Break" every now and then.


Thursday, November 25, 2010


As you can see, I get the clean plate award.  Wow, what a great meal my dear wife put together, with some veggy help from DIL#2  and dessert assistance from Mom-Mom-Mom.  No matter what the menu, Stuffed Turkey or Gravy over rice, Thanksgiving is about sharing time with family and friends as well as recognizing the hand of God in our lives. 

  Rejoice evermore.
  Pray without ceasing.
  In every thing give thanks:
  for this is the will of God in Christ
  Jesus concerning you.
  (1Thess. 5:16-18)

Rejoicing and being thankful is easy when our plates are full of wonderfully delicious things, yet there are many times that we get a spoon full of unpleasantness.  But the command is unchanged, "In ALL things give thanks".  In the midst of all different types of circumstances we must learn to trust in His divine wisdom, mercy and care. 

I hope you all had as wonderful a Thanksgiving Day as we did.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Leash

One of the tasks of a dutiful dog owner is the walk.  We don't want to just cut the little guy loose in the back yard for two basic reasons.  One, it is not completely fenced in and secondly we would like to have some control over his deposit locations.  Come the warmer months the last thing I want is for the grand babies to be finding tootsie-rolls all over the yard.  So free range terrier is not  an option.  Plus walking is good for my heath and provides some owner - pet bonding. 

When it was time for Coach's afternoon stroll GB#3 happened to be at 52 and so I invited her to join us.  She was excited when I asked her if she wanted to walk the dog and was eager to grab the leash and head down the sidewalk.  That terrier pulled like most dogs do when the want to follow a scent and GB#3 held on for the ride.  The little dog was at one end of the leash, the little girl was in the middle and I held onto the end.  But she was thrilled that she was walking the dog.

I'm thrilled also, that no matter where life pulls me, that my Lord is always hanging on to the end of the leash.  I know that "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me".
“For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” (Isaiah 41:13)

Chuck (218)

Monday, November 22, 2010


I was told that there were three things that start to slip when you get older.  You can't see as well as you used too, and you can't hear as well as you used too.  Well that is just wonderful to have something exciting to look forward to as the years go by.  I tell everyone not to let the gray hair fool them, it's from "Pre-mature  Wisdom" and has nothing to do with aging.  Now what were we talking about?  Oh, right, three things that slip.  Now what was that third thing on the list? 

I forgot to blog, again.  It happened once in October then again yesterday.  What I've noticed is that they both happened on a Sunday.  What could possibly distract my attention that I would skip my daily visit to blog-o-rama?  I am occasionally reminded that preachers only work 2 days a weeks, and so maybe it's sheer exhaustion.  Standing and talking for a total of three hours in one day is a lot to ask of any human being.  Maybe I'm just detracted, my mind filled with the thoughts and needs of the congregation.  Or maybe I just forgot!  Like I forgot to take the garbage out to the curb for two consecutive weeks.  Or when I forgot to get over to the bank to pick-up the Church's night deposit bag, or to the laundromat to get my dry-cleaning.  Wow, I've been forgetting a lot of stuff.  I should take some of the herb that helps with memory, if I can only remember what it's call. 

So what do you do when you don't do something that you really wanted to do?  Do you just throw in the towel and convince yourself that it really wasn't that big of a deal to begin with?  You know, lie to yourself about your convictions and intentions.  Or .... do you throw aside the excuses and just keep moving forward.  There is still plenty of trash to take to the curb.


Saturday, November 20, 2010


I did.  I caved in,  I backed down.  I "changed my heart" (That's what GB#1 said) and so we are dog owners once again.  Just about 3 years ago our previous pooch, Caleb, was put to sleep, euphemistically speaking.  At age 16, and with several medical struggles, it seemed like the most humane thing to do.  Since then we have been "Pet-Free".  Now please note that the Lizard, Sunny, did not count in the "Pet-Free" equation.  Lizards are non-pets.  They don't do anything.  You don't "pet" them, walk them or wrestle on the living room floor with them.  They sit there and soak up the heat from a lamp and the only time they move is when there is food introduced into their environment.  (OK, yes, I know that that describes some people you may be acquainted with)  Watching Sunny eat crickets did provide a great deal of entertainment for the grand kids but you all remember that we buried the lizard a few months ago.  So we have been pet-free and lethargic-lizard-free for a little while now. 

My dear wife has been very patiently pushing me in the doggy direction for several months now.  I've had some good excuses about freedom to travel and no clean-up, which always seemed to be my job no mater who's animal it was.  She would send me e-mails, text messages and IM's with links to on-line doggy, "Re-Homing" opportunities.  Two weeks ago she even convinced me to stop at the pound and checkout  a terrier, which I did, but he already had 3 applications for adoption.  Oh Well!  But my DW did not allow that to discourage her from her heart's desire.  Next stop, Craigslist.com and voilà, a dog has appeared.  We are now the proud owners of a 5 year old Rat Terrier named Luigi, re-named Coach, and here I am, walking the dog with a plastic bag in one hand.
“And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” (Luke 11:9-10)  

It would serve us all well to be as persistent with our Lord in the things which we desire from Him.  He reminds us that "Ye have not because ye ask not ...".

Chuck & Coach

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Favorites:

"If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape one hundred days of sorrow."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Smoke Out

Today, November 18th, is the American Cancer Society's 35th annual "Great American Smokeout".  This used to be a big event for me.  By the time I got out of high school I was smoking a pack a day and 2 packs a day by the time I was 20.  Being a draftsman meant I sat at a drafting table all day with a coffee cup and an ashtray as standard equipment.  I remember one year the "Smokeout" was the same day as our bowling league.  I was doing great all day, but when we bowled past midnight, I caught up every smoke I missed throughout the day.  I always said, "I can quit anytime!" but I never did.

After I was saved many things changed immediately, but the smoking was one of my holdouts.  All the "bad for your heath" warnings never worked.  All the "smells like an ashtray" insults never worked.  Then something finally got my attention, serving God.  The more I was involved in the ministry the more I wanted to be.  The desire to tell others about Christ was growing stronger and stronger but I was kept silent because of the smoke.  I knew that I couldn't be a good witness with clouds of smoke around my head.  One day as I was sitting at my drafting table, I took the pack out of my shirt pocket, wadded it up and through it in the garbage can.  That was it!  Wanting to serve God is a great motivator.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Date

Curried Chicken, Lemon Grass soup and Jasmin Tea.  That's what I had for lunch today, plus the company of my dear wife.  Today was a Date-Day.  One of those marketing packs came in the mail the other day and as we were flipping through all the advertisements for gutter-guards and carpet cleaners we spotted a winner.  The coupon for the Thai restaurant caught both of our attention.  We lifted our heads and looks towards each other, our eyes meet and we knew ... "It's a Date!"

After 31 years of marriage Joyce still looks forward to going out on a date (with me!).  Now please note that going out to lunch is different than going out on a date.  A date requires forethought and planning which generates anticipation whereas you can go out to lunch together anytime without forethought or intention.  I'm not against being spontaneity, but without picking a date it really isn't a "Date". 

Just a reminder ... God as chosen a date for His Son to return for His children.  Oh, what great anticipation.  What a tremendous day He has in store for us.  "I go to prepare a place for you ..."


Monday, November 15, 2010


That is where I live, 52.  Some of the kids & grand kids started referring to our house by its number several years ago and it has stuck.  They don't say "My folks' house" or "My Parents' place", but they will say, "We're at 52".  I personally don't view that as impersonal, you see that's how you refer to iconic locations.  "Number 10" is where the British Prime Minister lives.  We don't say "The President's House" but "the White House" or 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Places make impacts, and a home is a big one.  President George W. Bush mentioned in his biography that his dad (#41) felt that he was successful because his children wanted to come home.  That should be the goal, to have such a loving, positive impact that, even when they are grown, that they always feel welcome and desirous to be back at 52.  Home should be an icon, it should represent Joy and Stability and unconditional Love.


Sunday, November 14, 2010


When Joyce and I were married in 1979 we decided to have as many kids as we could as soon as we could.  Our plan was to have our children young so that we could enjoy our grand kids while we were still young.  Six grand kids by age 50 is a good deal.  The other benefit is that we are still very young when the nest empties out. 

December 31, 1980 was the last date that the Charles Shorter household was just two.  So when our son Eric and dear wife, Rachel, packed up their belongings last night and drove .6 miles down the road to their new home we were back down to two.  Wow, thirty years of fun and excitement, and now we're back to where we started!  This is going to be FUN!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

As For Me ...

Today was a great day to catch up on some well needed yard work.  60 degrees and sunny is a perfect combination for a mid-November, Saturday morning.  Whilst in the midst of my chores GB#3 joined me to Help.  "Pop Pop, where's my 'Leaf-Maker'?"  (Translation: 'Rake')  Three year olds view the world by what things do, not necessarily by what they are. 

When she stood looking at our garden flag I asked her what it said and she replied, "I Love You".  That's not what Joshua 24:15 says but it certainly is a part of what it means.  A great way to show your family how much you truly love them is to lead them in serving God.   


P.S. - I noticed that yesterday's post is #100 ... and counting.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Favorites:

"For it is always the person not in the predicament who knows what ought to have been done in it, and would have unquestionably have done it too."

Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Down Under

There's been a lot of work going on at my son Eric's house over the past few weeks.  Part of the fun and excitment has been a new kitchen, which has occupied a great deal of my attention and provided many firsts for my less than expert craftsmanship.  First laminate floor, First time setting cabinets, First Dishwasher installation, First Counter-top, First Sink cut-out (measure twice, cut once).  Although most of this was done in my kitchen just two years ago, someone else did the real work while I held the dummy-end of the tape.

Eric and I finished the counter-top work last night and wrapped it up for the evening.  Although it looked good on the outside, there was very little connected underneath.  The utilities that allow a kitchen to function are normally hidden from view.  The water, drains and electrical wires for a dishwasher may all be missing but you can still dress it up and make it look nice for a picture.

Many Christians, Churches & Preachers are often the same way.  They dress up what is seen by others while there is nothing connected behind the scenes.  There is no Holy Spirit power, no living water flowing, no drain removing the waist through confession of sins.  They look good but serve no useful purpose.   

Get out your tool bucket, open up the cabinet and crawl underneath.  Time to get connected.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010


These two are Jeff-D & Jeff-F.  They are Chaplain & Deputy Chaplain, respectively, of a local Township Fire Department.  Tonight was the kick off of a Bible Study that they will be conducting on a monthly basis at the different fire houses throughout the township.  Their desire is to minister to the spiritual needs of a group of men and women who are primarily un-churched.

One thing that Jeff-D mentioned tonight was that those who's lives are regularly place in dangerous positions, like firemen, are often least concerned about dying.  I suppose it is more of a defense mechanism, a device that hardens the heart.  Amazing that those who need the truth the most are less desirous to receive it.  These are the times when I am reminded even more of the need for divine intervention to break through the barriers and allow the light of the Gospel to shine in.


Monday, November 8, 2010

The "B" Word

How many of you enjoy wearing a hospital gown?  Me neither.  But last week I had my 5-year colonoscopy and I promised you a picture.  Well this is it.  Everything went well and when I woke up they told me there was one small polyp removed which didn't appear to be of any concern.  Today I got the official call from the doctor's office with the pathology results: The "B" word (Benign) and not the "C" word.

Too many people that I know of have heard the "C" word lately. I hate that word, and what it does to lives.  I do believe that God will show Himself to be strong when we are weak, but this is one of those life-struggles that I hope I will never experience.

Today's blog is a Thank You to my LORD for a good test result today, a good Physical last month and a good Prostate biopsy a few months back (That was pre-blog).  The next time I hear the "C" word I hope it's about Cake.


Sunday, November 7, 2010


Grand-Babies 1 & 2 joined GB3 for a sleep over at 52 one night last week.  The following morning they all invaded my second floor office (I ran out of lap for them all to climb up on) and they had the following request:  "Hey Pop Pop, will you make pancakes for us for breakfast?"  How could I refuse such a petition, so I sent them to find their Mom Mom and off to the kitchen I went.  As you can see from the picture we had fun with some apples.

I remember as a kid making shapes with pancakes on the griddle, I remember food coloring in sauces and jokes about eating elephants.  Food fun can make lots of memories for a kid which they will likely pass along, in one form or another, to their kids someday.  Everyday we are making imprints in the minds of our children or children's children which will transfer to another generation.  So be careful of what type of marks you leave.


Saturday, November 6, 2010


Do you use your Phone Book? 

We don't, and haven't for several years.  We look everything up on-line now a days.  If I want to find a business I Google it.  "Google" is a verb, right?  If I'm looking for a person I go to Superpages.com and search by city and last name.  Over the past few years the books have just sat around the house unused so this "Yellowbook" went right from the front porch to the recycle bin.  Worse thing is that I'll get the "Yellow-Pages" book soon, also several more at church, and they will all go right into the can also. What a waste of a few good trees.

Amazing how an icon of information has become almost obsolete.  Something to be reminded of when advertising or promoting anything for the Church.  What worked a decade ago is not reaching very many people today.  Times are changing, truth should never, but directing people to that truth must stay in tune with where they are likely to be looking.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday Favorites:

Another Favorite Quote: 

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

Hanlon's Razor

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Circus Peanuts

This may sound strange but ... Nearly every time someone in the family is heading to Walmart and they say, "Does anybody need anything?", I usually respond with, "Circus Peanuts".  It happened again just yesterday, so I felt a need to write and tell you all about this strange habit that I've developed.  No, the habit is not eating those marshmallowy treats, but simply asking for them.  It all began one day in an airport in Minnesota ...

Joyce and I were flying to Lubbock, TX for a preaching conference and had a layover in Minneapolis.  We had a little bit of time so we grabbed a bagel and a cup of coffee.  Sitting at the table next to us was a older gentlemen in a nice suit, doing the same as we, and looking very cheerful, so I started a conversation with the basic 'traveling through an airport' questions.  He was a salesman for the Melster candy company and their big, money making product is ... you guessed it, Circus Peanuts.  He explained his plans for the next few days, and how he was hoping to get their products in the gift shops at all the National Parks in the US, but he beamed from ear to ear when he talked about Wal-Mart.  That was HIS big sale!  He challenged me to stop at the Wal-mart in Lubbock, go to such & such an aisle in a very specific location, and when I look there, he said, I would see their Circus Peanuts.  He was right!  I haven't forgotten that brief encounter to this day.

Cheerfulness, enthusiasm, confidence and a call to action ... all very basic ingredients, not for circus peanuts, but for a lasting impression.  I wish I could impact people with the Good-News of the Gospel as well as that man impacted me with his candy story.  You realize that this man wasn't trying to sell me anything, he was just excited about something that was very important to him, and when the opportunity was presented, he didn't hesitate to talk about it.  Is it that simple?  It should be.  

Chuck (214)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Not So Bland

I was asked to take a walk the other day with some grand babies in order to burn off some energy.  Them, not me.  So we headed down the street to the cemetery.  Cemeteries are a great place to walk, they are quiet and seldom have traffic worries.  Besides the kids love to walk among the tombstones, look at the different shapes and small items left at the grave sides.  This particular stone got my attention:
"Bland" - adj. Dull, Insipid

Seeing such a name I had to go and investigate to see who was Bland.  The two markers in front are husband and wife.  Lucille Ann was born in 1898 and passed away in 1949 but her husband ....that's where it stops being Bland!  Tell me, what's wrong with this picture?
Mr. Clete Ernest Bland is either 128 years old or he stood his dear, departed wife up in the cemetery! "Sure honey, lets get matching tombstones and we'll spend all of eternity next to one another".  That's what they always say.  I did a little digging ... on the Internet, not in the cemetery ... and found this info:

Independence County, Arkansas - Oaklawn Cemetery
Double stone:
Belle B. Bland  December 24, 1880/March 12, 1967
Clete E. Bland  December 24, 1883/September 2, 1955

 Yes, I know that the Born date's off, but it's close enough.  Besides, how many Clete E. Blands can there be in the world?  You see what happened don't you?  Clete (age 67 ish) put his 51 year old wife in the ground in New Jersey and then ran off to Arkansas and met up with 69 year old Belle, probably out celebrating their birthdays together.  It was love at first (poor eye) sight and he forgets all about the little plot of ground in Pemberton.  I just can't help but wonder if there's another Bland - Double Stone somewhere.

Remember that promises made in this life are never erased or forgotten, even when our bodies are dead, buried and thoroughly rotten.  What ever you put your name to in earnest, whether on paper or stone, will last through the stages of all of the ages, and make all your intentions well known.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Anniversary

It doesn't seem like it but New Testament Baptist Church has been here in New Jersey for 15 years.  It stated with three families at McGuire Air Force Base, the Williams and the Saunders and the Maki Families.  My family and I joined them in the summer of '96 and the rest is history.  Every year we have some type of anniversary celebration, preaching, family fun days, dinners and the like.  Each year we have many new faces since the previous year, and have also said good-bye to many military families who have left for another duty assignment. 

God is faithful, and I am “...confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”

I know that many of you that are reading this blog are former members of NTBC, so I want to thank you for your "Work of the Ministry" which has edified this Body of Christ.  God has worked through you and has made an impact in this community for the Kingdom of God.  I trust that you will allow Him to continue to use you where ever God has taken you.

This is NTBC back in September of 1996
