Friday, December 31, 2010

Friday Favorites:

"The conductor of an orchestra doesn't make a sound.  He depends, for his power, on his ability to make other people powerful."

Benjamin Zander
The Boston Philharmonic Orchestra


Thursday, December 30, 2010


A few years ago, while I was visiting the dentist, I asked his thoughts concerning the difference between the Electric Toothbrushes and the standard, manual type.  I was wondering if they were more effective in cleaning or had any other advantages.  His answer was simple; "It's all about T.O.T.!"  He explained that what is important is the amount of "Time On Tooth" no matter what style of brush was used.

I was reminded of that dental visit the other day when I was talking to someone about different methods of Bible reading and study.  It is all about Time in the Book.  In addition to the Book in book form there are e-Bibles, i-Bibles, audio-Bibles and my favorite, "onlinebible".  As this New Year begins set out to spend more Time in the Book. Chose a method, set apart and devote a specific time, determine a goal and get into the Book.  Devotional booklets are helpful, but they're not the Book.  Christian fiction is enjoyable for some, but they're not the Book.  Listening to Sermons online can be very beneficial, but they're not the Book.  More Time in the Book is the goal for this year.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I'm heading home as I type today's blog. Currently sitting in traffic on the Cross Bronx Expressway allows me a good opportunity to type. There is never a good time to try to get out of New York. BQE or CBX; OBX or GWB it's all the same when it comes to traffic. You can't avoid the struggle, you have to go through it to get where you want be. Such is life, don't complain, don't honk, just drive.

"I press toward the mark..."


Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Today's blog is on the road in Long Island. My first born male child asked if I could lend a hand running some network cables so here I am. We started out this morning at 4:45 and worked till 4:45 tonight. That boy of mine goes non-stop, he wore me out. I have always preached work ethics to my kids over the years and it looks like it stuck. If we work as unto the Lord it always produces good results. Another long day tomorrow so it's off to bed soon.

Good Night from NY,


Monday, December 27, 2010

Do the Math

Let's talk about some numbers.  33 by 330 is the size of my lot here in our little, semi-rural borough.  Because our pre-Victorian (1817) home practically sits on the front street, we've got a bunch of real estate behind us.  125 feet is the length of my sidewalk.  I know because I laid & leveled every single block in it.  Subtracting 50+ feet for the house and the 5 feet of frontage and I end up Shoveling about 150 feet of driveway every time it snows!  No, I don't own a snowblower.  I had kid labor when the boys lived at home, and since they moved I am too cheap to part with the cash when sweat is free.

What I've been doing the last few snowstorms is to park my car at the entrance of driveway so after it snows I can clear a single path to it (250 ft.).  That leaves only about 10 feet of shoveling to get my car out, which of course is the basic goal.  I can deal with the rest of the driveway later.  Oh, I learned that after only 13 winters and I was having to shovel myself.  Identifying the goal then working smarter not just harder gets the job done, and saves a lot of time & energy in the process.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

It was Merry

Recap ...

* Wonderful services on Christmas Eve at NTBC.  Lots of kids in attendance.

* All the Grand Babies came to the house to open presents after church. 

* Oh, yes they brought their parents with them.

* Early morning visit from our three sons (6:50 am) to wish their mom a Merry Christmas.  Very Special!

* Joyce & I had breakfast at a local dinner. 

* Visited all three of our boys and their lovely families throughout the day.

* Dinner at E&R's new house. 

* Home at last and very tired.

* "and Counting" ... the many blessing of the Lord this Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas to those take the time to stop by "And Counting ..." and see what the Lord has allowed me to experience and share with you.  Thank you for being a part of my life and for giving me the opportunity to be a part of yours.


Friday, December 24, 2010

Friday Favorites:

Orange Marmalade is my favorite spread for toast.  After some early morning shopping, complements of a Gift Card and a 30% off coupon, Joyce and I stopped at a local restaurant for a late morning breakfast.  Saving the last half a piece of toast for the end of the meal, my wife dug through the jelly carousel for a packet of their Marmalade for me.  She loves me and knows how to show it.  Technically speaking, what makes marmalade marmalade is the peels.  Orange "Zest" and some sugar boiled in with the juice and what ever else is needed to thicken it up makes a wonderful topping for that last piece of toast. 

We always keep a jar in the frig also, and I remind my dear wife when it starts getting a little low so that it ends up on the shopping list.  There are certain item that we shouldn't never run out of: Coffee, Orange Marmalade & Toilet Paper.  I wonder if any of these will be in my stocking tomorrow morning.

Merry Christmas-Eve Everyone!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

"S" is for Second

There are Second Helpings which I seldom decline.  The Second Amendment of the Constitution giving me the right to bear arms, and we're not talking about short-sleeve shirts either.  Second Degree Burns & Second Hand Smoke are not pleasant.  A Second Mortgage may get some work done around the house but a Second Interview may simply get some work.  Always playing Second Fiddle to some Second Rate can get old but that will all change after a Second Wind.

All of you, and I say that collectively in Second Person Plural, may be wondering what this Second Soliloquy of alphabetic excess is pertaining too.  Today I went for a Second Opinion on my right knee.  To cut right to the chase ... no cutting will be needed.  This doctor, who's name is virtually unpronounceable for this mono-linguist, said that my meniscus is not torn and all I really need is some PT and maybe an injection every now and then to help with the arthritis (the A-Word) that is developing. Amen to that!

Some Seconds are bad; some Seconds are good.  Like stealing Second Base and getting a runner in scoring position.  And some Seconds are even Better, like the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  This week we remember His First Coming as the Babe of Bethlehem, but soon we will experience His Second.  I hope you're prepared for that, because, when it occurs, there is No Second Chance.

“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.  ... And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”
(Revelation 19:11 & 16)


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Going Lunar

What do you think of my picture of last night's spectacular, once-in-a-lifetime, Lunar Eclipse?  "Lame" is the first word that comes to my mind.  I have always tried to catch major, stellar phenomenons and so getting up at 1:15 am and standing in the backyard, for nearly an hour, in the freezing cold, was no big deal.  As we were heading to bed last night, I asked my dear wife if she wanted to join me, to which she simple responded that I should take a picture for her to see the next morning.  This is it!  I had my iPhone at my side and with 4G, "Face Time" technology and millions of apps available at the touch of a button, nothing helps when you're trying to take a picture, at night, of an object 238,857 miles away, especially when it is moving into the inky shadows of a large planet.  There's no app for that!

Even if I was able to get a decent pic of this morning's occurrence, that photo would never compare to being an eyewitness.  Seeing the shadow slowly moving across the lunar surface or the sight of the full moon, veiled in pail orange, hanging in the darkened sky near the Seven Sisters and Orion can not be captured in a still shot.  Although seeing pictures of phenomenal events is exciting, nothing replaces the experience.  Such is the reality of life and especially the Christian Life.  Many believers read the Biblical accounts, or the biographies of great men & women of God.  We so easily follow the activities of many missionaries via letter or Facebook, and yet we need to set foot into the night and see the hand of God move across the surface of an object until it once again reflects the light of His glory. 

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”
Psalm 19:1


Monday, December 20, 2010

Late for Christmas

The little stocking with the big question mark is from the Christmas of 1980.  Joyce and I were expecting the birth of our first child which was to happen the week before Christmas.  We had had one ultra-sound, which was not conclusive, but the speculation was a boy, yet we were not sure enough to put a name on it.  The due date came and went, and we rode through Christmas day without a name for this stocking.  Our son Charles Jr. was not born until the early afternoon of January 1st., a New Year's Baby, leaving me without a tax write-off for the year. 

Imagine being late for Christmas!  No, better yet, being late for your own birth.  No matter how much we plan and predict, our expectations are subject to greater forces.  God always has impeccable timing.  His only, begotten Son, Jesus, was born "in the fullness of time".  His clock is always accurate so that He knows exactly when to intervene in your life.  He knows when too much would destroy you and when not enough would not accomplish the desired results.  Although we often place question marks on the things that we don't understand, God always fills in the missing details at just the right time.


Sunday, December 19, 2010


The NTBC Christmas Choir, with piano accompaniment, delivered a magnificent, seasonal cantata during the morning services.  Assisted by the Church's children in the assembling of a nativity set and joining in with the choir on the final songs, and with a continual backdrop of visual representations of the cantata songs, all added up to made this year's Christmas program spectacular.  I enjoy seeing so many different people included in the work of the ministry.  Adults and children serving side by side is always an added blessing to this preacher.

"... But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."


Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Gift

Today was Christmas #1 for the Shorter Family.  We will have at least three before the end of the season.  Joyce's side of the family was today, my side of the family will be January 1st, and of course the BIG event on the 25th of December.  Food, Family and Fun are in abundance at each of these events in addition to Presents.  On several different occasions today a GB would ask me, "Pop Pop, when are we going to open presents?"  Or the less direct method, "Pop Pop, what are we going to do after dinner?"  Eat desert I would say.  To which they would press, "What are we going to do after desert?".  So the questioning would continue till I finally mentioned the presents. 

Although an official, card-carrying Grown-up, the Presents part of the Holiday is still a lot of fun.  Kids ripping & tearing, paper flying everywhere, bows being stuck on uncles' backs, and the inevitable wrapping-paper-wad fight are highlights of a typical Shorter Christmas gathering.  And of course I love to get presents too.  Today I received this coffee mug.  My dear niece Katelyn picked it out for me.  Apparently she was helping the sister of a friend with some hand-made pottery sales and spotted this mug and thought of her Uncle Chuck.  What a fantastic gift!  Move over Opus

Hand-made items are always very special.  They are touched by their creator and often bear a mark of that creation.  Just as we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.  We bear His likeness, and the texture of the precious hands that formed us.  God made you for a purpose, He crafted you into a vessel which is suitable for His use.  Consider the hands that have formed you and imagine what His hand-made creations are capable of achieving.

“If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.” 
(2 Timothy 2:21)


Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Favorites:

I just read this one today:

"The alternative to healthy disagreement is apathy"

Scott Belsky
Making Ideas Happen


Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Pen

I can only suppose that I am not the only one that feels this way about pens, so I don't hesitate to express this hang-up publicly.  I am very particular about using certain pens to do certain tasks.  I handwrite my daily devotional notes and when I do there is one style of pen that I use.   For at least the last two years I have been addicted to the BIC, ReAction Gel pen.  This wonderful writing implement has a thick, 0.7mm point, a comfortable, semi-soft, full-length grip, and excellent weight & balance.  It feels good and I get a 3-pack for less than 5 bucks.  I know that I can write my notes with anything, including the crayons which I keep in my office for when any grand-baby stop by to "Help" me.  But it seems awkward to use any other pen. 

If you also suffer from Kalamos-Neurosis stand-up and say so.  If there is a particular writing implement which you can not do without please feel free to list it here publicly.  Confession is good for the soul and the reality is that we all have hang-ups and peculiarities which make us unique and yet knit us together. 

Well I feel so much better now that I've gotten that out in the open.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Thy Word" Wednesday *

“He casteth forth his ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold? He sendeth out his word, and melteth them: he causeth his wind to blow, and the waters flow.”
(Psalm 147:17-18)


*Yes, I know that the norm for today is "Wordless Wednesday", but sometimes I just can't keep my mouth shut.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Winter doesn't officially start till next week, so I guess we weren't officially freezin' cold today.  With wind chills in the single digits I attempted to kept my outside activities to a minimal, but I still had things to do, places to go, and people to see.  Oh, yes, and a dog to walk.  Today was a great day for Bible studies.  I started off by attending a prayer breakfast at the Army Reserve Center on Fort Dix, then a one-on-one study with a young man from Church.  We finished off the night with a Bible study at a local fire station (Good Message Bro. Jeff!).  Cold or Hot, the ministry goes on. 

Like the air temperature many believers fluctuate in their spiritual temperature.  They go from cold to hot, active to inactive.  But the best remedy for feeling cold is to keep moving.  So if your in the midst of a spiritual winter start jumping up & down, rub your hands together and warm-up to the fact that the Lord has plenty to do to heat things up.


Monday, December 13, 2010


I've got a "Oblique Tear" in my "Discoid Medial Meniscus".  Also some "Moderate Joint Effusion" as well as a "Marrow Edema" because of a little "Bone Contusion".  Well, at least I know why my right knee hurts!  It'll be after the New Year before I need to decide what to do about it, but until then I suppose I have some options.  I could bemoan my mishap, park my Meniscus on the couch and  regain those 20+ pounds that I've shed since the summer.  Or I could suck-it-up, ignore the Dr's advice and start running again until I mess my knee up to the point where I can't even walk.  Or I could find some low-impact, cardiovascular activity that will give my knee some rest, keep my BP where it needs to be, and help maintain some weight lose.

When we have problems, far to often, we do dumb things.  Sometime we react with anger or pride.  Sometimes in ignorance or malice.  None of these will bring about the desperately needed healing nor will they put us back on our feet so that we can continue to make progress in our lives.  Information, patience, determination and a well exercised heart is the prescription for a full recovery. 

Chuck (220, but not for long)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Home, Sweet Home

 I've been gone all week.  It was enjoyable to teach at LVBBI because I love to teach (see Friday's Post).  It was enjoyable to spend a little time with some other preachers.  I was enjoyable to have hours of uninterrupted reading and study time.   And it was enjoyable to sleep in a room where you don't hear a single sound all night.  It was all enjoyable ... only for a little while.

It's really nice to be home.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Favorites:

This past week has been spent at the Lehigh Valley Baptist Bible Institute in Emmaus, PA.  My responsibility was to instruct a group of students concerning the Book of Hebrew.  I love teaching, it is my Favorite!  Whether here at LVBBI, or the 5th & 6th graders at a local Christian School, or the near by Community College, or a room-full of kids during Vacation Bible School, or back in my home church during any of the services, teaching is one of my favorite things to do.  There is great pleasure, no matter what the venue, the material or the audience, because the joy of teaching is in the receiving, when someone "Gets It"!  No matter if it's the finer points of the Seminal Headship Doctrine in reference to the Imputation of Sin, or how to find the Lowest Common Denominator, Getting It is Getting It

The greatest joy, though, comes when someone "Gets" the gospel.  When the eyes and mind have finally opened up to the truth of God's Word and they understand exactly what God had done for them through Jesus Christ.  To see someone's life transformed, to see the weight of the burden of sin lifted, to see peace flood in where there once was only turmoil and confusion, this is where the greatest pleasure of teaching is found.

Teaching changes lives and I am so humbled & thankful for the opportunity to take part in this process in any capacity that the Lord provides.


P.S.  My thanks to Chris, Nat & Andy at LVBC for curing my laptop of that virus.  You guys are great!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Don't Bug Me!

Today's post will be short and to the point. My laptop has a "Malware" virus. That's right I've been infected. Maybe an email or some other way but I've got it. So I'm writing this post on my iPhone while I sit and watch the anti-virus software run. I'm sure there are plenty of spiritual applications that can be extracted from my present situation but right now I'm at a lose to be creative. It is true that when in the midst of an attack we tend to speak of blame before we seek for solutions.

Hoping for the best,


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Prophet's Chamber

That's what they call it, "Prophet's Chamber", and that's where I'm staying this week while I'm teaching.  It's comfortable and I have no complaints, I just have always felt uneasy about the term "Prophet's Chamber".  The scripture that the term is based on is found in 2 Kings 4, where the Shunammite woman suggests to her husband to make a "chamber" for the prophet Elisha.  May I make a few observations?  First - Wives are more observant to the needs of others and often come up with good ideas.  Second - Husbands are left to follow through on these suggestions and it often means a lot of work.  Third - If a couple can work through this situation (One making observations & suggestions and the other needing to make it happen) then they can be a great blessing to others.

I'm not a prophet, nor the son of a prophet, although I do work for a Not-for-Profit organization.  I also don't like the idea of sleeping in a "Chamber".  There has to be a better term!  But in reference to the "Chamber" that Mr. & Mrs. Shunammite furnished, they knew exactly what every preacher needed: a bed, a table, a stool and a candlestick.  And of course when ever the prophet stopped in, they fed him.  A place to sleep, an place to eat and a place to study; these are the basic necessities of "the Prophet" and these same things are greatly appreciated by this preacher.  Thank you


Monday, December 6, 2010

What's it Werth?

Jayon Werth is now the "former Phillies Right-Fielder" after signing a seven year contract with the Washington Nationals.  The Nationals?!  That's right, the NL East, LAST place team of the 2010 season.  The price tag for his 7 years of playing baseball, 126-million-dollars.

Let's do the math:
126 mill / 7years = 18 mill per year
18 mill / 162 regular games (no post season) = $111,111.11 per game
$111,111.11 / 9 innings of playing each game = $12,345.67 (COOL Number!)

Being in last place leaves a team a few options.  They could hang their heads in defeat and be resolved to a dismal existence or they could invest in the future.  That's what the Nationals have chosen to do, offering Werth 66 million more then what the Phillies were willing to pay.  I hope they get their money's worth.  Investing in the future is essential for the existence of every entity, whether business, household or Church.  A ministry's investment in the future is not measured by dollars and cents though.  It is seen in the commitment that is made to evangelism, discipleship and engaging others in the work of the ministry.  Time and the treasured Word of God are our greatest assets to invest in the battle for the souls of men.  Never settle for last place.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Great Escape

I lost my wife's dog today.  Only for about 5 minutes, but he was a lost dog, and I was a panicked husband.  "Oh, by the way sweetie, I can't find Coach!" is not what I wanted to say to my dear wife when she got back for the grocery store. 

When Joyce left to do some shopping she brought Coach outside where I was focused on doing some desperately needed yard work.  We don't trust him yet to roam the house alone, and she didn't want to lock the poor thing up in his box, so there we were, two guys doing yard work together.  Bonding time!  After we finished with the leaves, we turned our attention to the pond, scooping out leaves, cleaning the filter and Coach decided to hangout on the porch while I finished up.  When it came time to squirt down the filters I went up on the porch to turn the hose on and the dog was nowhere in sight.  PANIC!  As you know, we changed his name when we got him, so yelling Coach didn't accomplish anything, but I didn't think about that at the time.  Immediately I ran out front hoping not to find him in the street, but still nowhere in sight.  Back to the porch, I thought he might have found something to hide under and nap, which is what he does most of the time inside, but nothing.  That's when I heard leaves rustling in the neighbor's yard, and there he was.  He would have had to gone out front and down the sidewalk in order to get there. 
I've been working towards giving Coach more freedom by walking him in the yard off the leach, by letting him play outside without being on a lead, and now this.  He had no idea of the danger that he was in, the potential for getting lost and especially the risk of getting squished in the street.  Freedom is a precious gift which should never be abused, it doesn't also have a happy ending.


Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday Favorites:

"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Hanukkah!

Happy Hanukkah Everyone.  No, I'm not Jewish, but I do love Bagels & Lox, Gefilte Fish and Matzah Ball Soup.  Although I must admit, with my non-discriminating palate, I will eat just about anything.  But food is not the basis of faith, which is good because I had a Falafel last month in Philly.  Since the basis of faith is truth lets tell the truth about Hanukkah.  The one day of oil burning for eight days may be spurious but the reality of God delivering His chosen people is not.  Whether it be through Queen Esther from the hands of wicked Haman or by Judas Maccabeus from the brutality of Antiochus Epiphanes, God has always provided a deliverer.  Hanukkah & Christmas season provides an excellent opportunity to speak of the greatest deliverer ever known to mankind.  Jesus, the reason for the season, the Way, the Truth and the Life. 
