Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thanks Coach

Sit-ups are a favorite workout at our house.  When Grand-Baby 3 is around she asks if she can help with everything, including exercise time.  So she is the official counter.  Currently I'm doing 2 reps of 20, and so she will count out 1 through 20 while her Pop Pop does his sit-ups.  She's a great coach.

In her coaching, though, she is also being coached.  Everything that a 3-year-old does is a learning opportunity, and any occasion to count something, anything, reinforces their number skills.  The interesting part is that she has no idea that she is learning anything.  Isn't that the way it happens for all of us.  When we take the time to come alongside someone and encourage them thought something, anything, then we in turn are reinforcing or developing new skills in our lives.  The coach becomes the coached, and we don't even notice.  Any investment in someone's life is also an investment in our own personal and spiritual growth, so get out of the spectators' stand and get down on the field.

"11.....12....18..."  I think I can do a hundred sit-ups like that.  Thanks Coach!

Chuck (217)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Final Lap

I have to tell some 5K race stories while they are still fresh in my mind!

Story One: We are all standing around before the race and my DIL Deanna leans over to me and says, "You see number 'so & so'? Watch out for him".  So we spent a little while checking out all the 50+, 'Old Guys' to figure out which ones I thought I could beat.

Story Two: Around the one mile mark a baby stroller blew past me.  Yes a mom was pushing it.  That was a bit humorous but also somewhat humiliating to know I was going to be whooped by an infant.  I did waive to the baby as he went by.

Story Three: The overall winner of the race was obviously a 'professional' runner.  He finished in under 18 minutes and at least a full minute ahead of the next runner (a 50+, 'Old Guy").  Now that was all well and good, BUT .... He decided for some odd reason to run the race a second time! So while I am passing the 2 mile mark on the home stretch he is on his way down the course again. I believe he lapped some of the final runners and "finished" again before they finished once.

Okay!  I don't know the guy, I don't want to judge his motives, but from where I was sitting, that is almost insulting.  All of us are blessed with some type of skill, ability and / or talent, amen to that.  I think that they are best used when they encourage others.  If I try to lap you with my perfect family, or sprint past you with my wealth and material good, it serves no benefit to anyone.  If the Lord has blessed you in the race, it would be wonderful to see you either running beside me or standing around the last turn cheering me on.  Thats what winners do.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Back to School (again)

I know I posted a "Back to School" in my Blog weeks ago.  But this a different situation, it is the first night of Bible Institute classes.  This Tri-mester I'm teaching the Book of Revelation.  The class will consist of 20 lectures taught over a 5 week period.  I will be giving out some assignments (Papers & Charts & Reading) and will be lecturing for several hours tonight and hopefully engaging the class in some meaningful discussion.  

I remember my college years and the classes that I enjoyed & the ones I dreaded.  I remember the hours of endless lectures & hand-numbing duplication of notes.  There must be a better way to conduct a class.  I know that I'm supposed to be the teacher, but every time I prepare for these Bible Institute class I become a student also.  I am deepening my understanding of the material and developing my communication skills.  Oh, and I'm also touching the lives of my students, that will one day be reminiscing about those long hours spent in college.  How will they remember my classes? 


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Got Your Goat

If you were to look up this phrase in a dictionary you might find something to this effect: "Make you annoyed or angry".  But that is not what the goat was all about yesterday.  Saturday was the annual Pemberton Borough Fall Fest, and as we have often done, we rented a space and set up a table.  This year one of the church families were selling "Goat Milk Soap" and so they brought one of their goats to the festival.  Caesar loved the attention & the grass and was a big hit to all passers-by. 

There goal of the goat was not to anger or annoy but to get attention so that we could register people to receive a free book the church was offering and in so doing to develop some new contacts & e-mail addresses to follow up on.  It was a very profitable day as far as that was concerned. 

Far too often we get people's goat when we try to evangelize, that is we annoy and anger instead of get their attention.  Yes I know, some folks will always be perturbed when you talk to them about "Religion", but certainly that is not always the case.  We need to interest people in the message that changed our lives and can certainly change their's.  So get you goat and go.


Saturday, September 25, 2010


The BIG DAY has come and gone.  The Race has been run and the winners have been given their prizes and I am very excited about how the day went.  I was wearing #33 on my chest (OK.. closer to my belly) and was the 33rd to crossed the finish line this morning out of a field of 59 runners.  Not too bad for my very first race.  31:56.89 was my official time, which was my fastest 3.1 mile since I started running a few weeks back. 

Another big accomplishment today was my official "Biggest Loser" weigh-in.  One of my boys had caught wind that I was trying to shed a few pounds so he challenged me to see who could lose the most by race day.  I weighed in, after the race, at 214.  That's a 21 pound lose (8.9%) since the middle of August.  My son has not called me to tell me his official weight, but I think he'll be buying dinner for Joyce & I.

Well let's sum up the day.  No matter what place I came in, I feel like a winner for being challenged (Thanks Christian!) and encouraged to run in a race, and I did.  I have lost a bunch of weight, my blood pressure is looking real good and I'm feeling better today then I have in a long time.  I have been doing all this with several of my kids by my side.  Any way you look at it, it has been a Winner of a day!

Chuck (214!!!!)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Favorites:

My favorite Adventure Story is the account of the defunct, Antarctic expedition of Ernest Shackleton and the crew of the Endurance.

"In 1914, Ernest Shackleton and a crew of 27 men set sail to Antarctica, where they hoped to be the first to cross the continent on foot. Before reaching their destination, their ship, Endurance, was trapped in the ice pack and eventually crushed."  Shackleton and his crew spent over two years stranded on the ice flows and small islands of the Antarctic; miraculously, all survived. 

I am a Non-Fiction fan.  Please don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a little "Story" now and then, but there's just too much reality to read about.  Books on real-life adventures, inspirational people, theological discourses and world history can satisfy a lifetime of reading.  So, dive into a good, non-fiction adventure soon.
"So many books, so little time."


Thursday, September 23, 2010

the New Normal

My bank branch is closing this week.  No big deal in the big scheme of things, but I'm going to miss it.  It changed names a few years back, one of those corporate buy-ups.  Going from FMS to just a big, blue "B" still left it in the same location (1/4 mile from the house) with all the same folks and all the same services.  I take great comfort when things are left alone and remain unchanged.  I know that you do too. 

So now everything I need to do at the bank will entail a longer drive and I will need to get to know a whole new group of tellers & customer service reps.  I'm sure, over the next few weeks,  I will be asked to show my ID until everybody gets to know everybody. And I suppose that after a few months I will be settled into a new normal, again.

Every time life gets shaken up, and our normal is intruded upon, we immediately think that what is coming next could never be as good as what we just had.  This attitudes often brings despair during trials, stubbornness in the midst of needed change and anger directed towards all those who are a part of the shift.  But with the exception of the Lord, everything changes and a new normal always emerges from the dust.  Sometimes a little less convenient for you, yet sometimes far better then what we ever expected.  But no matter the outcome it will eventually become your New Normal.

Chuck (219)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

31 Years and Counting

I had just turned 19 and she was18 when we were married.  We met in '76 when we were just 15; we were just kids.  31 years of marriage has gone by so fast, yet it seems like we've known each other forever.  We both wanted as many kids as we could have and a quick as we could have them.  4 babies in nine years was a good pace and now we are still young enough to have a blast with all those grand-babies. 

I never thought I would be were I am now, Geographically, Spiritually, Ministerially & whatever kind of "" you can think about.  Joyce and I had lots of "Plans" when we met, yet after we met the Lord many of our plans changed.  God always does things better then we could ever imagine.  Our marriage, our lives together, our family and now our kid's families have been touch and shaped by the Lord. 

Two with the Lord have now become 15 ... and Counting

Joyce, I Love you .... Chuck.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Here is the Church. Here ...

I can only recall one other Sunday like today, but that was at least 10 years ago. It was one of those Sundays when you look at the congregation and wonder if you are in the right church. I honestly believe that half the auditorium was filled with visitors. We had 3 families re-visiting as well as 3 first time visiting families. There were visitors that brought other visitors. Oh, and every family had kids! Our junior churches where busting at the seams.

We have a few evangelistic out-reach programs in the works, but not a single visitor in the last three weeks has been a result of anything we have done though any out-reach. There was one family invited by a young lady from NTBC, and also any other family that heard about us from a military fellow that PCS'd nearly a year ago.  I know that we need to do the work of the ministry, but there are times when God just does things.  It is humbling to realize that God can do more to bring in visitors in one service then we can do in an entire summer.

I will continue to work, but I must also remember that God can "do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think."  Oh, by the way, and we have no steeple, but God still brings the people!  God is so good.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

New York

Today's Blog is sent to you via my iPhone while sitting on a park bench in Astoria (Queens), NY. A few ladies from NTBC are attending a ladies conference and I am the official driver. No complaints from me. I love the city and there are a few preachers hanging around so there is some good fellowship.

I have asked the Lord several times if He wanted me to move to NYC to start a mission work. I enjoy being in the city. I enjoy the crowds, the variety of people groups and the constant action of the city. But my Lord has never said go. I am very content to stay in Jersey till the rapture but God knows my heart. There is no greater joy then to be right where God wants you to be, doing exactly what He wants you to do! I hope you have found that place too.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Favorites:

“A Vision without a task is just a dream,
A task without a vision is drudgery,
But a vision and a task is the hope of the world” 

Chiseled in the stone wall of a church in Sussex, England 

Chuck (218)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My 1st Marathon

That's right, you heard it here first.  I have completed my first marathon, and it only took 27 days.  I started running, again, back on August 20th (.87 miles) and as of yesterday's 3.03 mile run I have racked up a total of 28.81 miles.  Since a marathon is 26.2 miles, I just figured that I have run my first marathon.

The name Marathon comes from an event that occurred at the conclusion of the battle of Marathon (490 BC). Pheidippides, a Greek messenger, was dispatched from the battle field to return to Athens with the message of victory over the Persians. Legend states that he ran, non stop, the entire distance (approx. 26 miles) and then uttered the phrase "Νενικήκαμεν", "We have won", before collapsing and dying.  Great Finish!

As compared to Pheidippides, I have had a walk in the park, but I am still moving forward, because my race is not over yet. Many accomplishments certainly are of epic proportion and generate headlines and legends, but most are completed just one mile at a time through faithfulness, endurance, persistence & long-suffering. 

So let's keep running the race that is set before us.

Chuck (219)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Save the Squirrels

I can't believe I did it, but I did.

I was walking out the door early this morning when a saw a feral cat bolting across the back yard.  It was like one of those slow motion, nature shows of predator and prey locked in mortal combat.  The prey was one of those apple-stealing squirrels!  When the screaming stopped (not mine!) the victor stood with the gray trophy clinched in its jaws, still alive, still struggling for freedom.  Here is my dilemma; I dislike feral cats (domestic cats are tolerable) more then my disdain for apple-pilfering squirrels.

I picked up one of my grand kid's toy trucks and hurled it across the yard.  Although not a direct hit, it was sufficient to cause the dislodging of the squirrel and the departure of the cat.  It took just a moment, but the former meal made a straight shot for the nearest tree and quickly retreated to the high branches. 

You see my flesh thought, "Great! More apples on the tree next year. A Pie in the oven!".  But my conscience said "No, you can't let that lousy cat turn your backyard into a fast food restaurant!"  What if that feline spread squirrel guts all the yard?  Picture a grand-baby bringing you half of a large intestine and asking "What's this Pop Pop?"  "Oh that a semi-colon." 

Well, there are times when quick decision must be made, and those decision can not be based solely on the revenge or person desire.  Think of the consequences of your decisions in reference to how they will effect others.


Monday, September 13, 2010

500 Lbs!

A quarter ton, that's a lot of sand!  That's how much sand that was brought into the church foyer to make one of our VBS displays.  There were palm trees, a treasure chest, sea shells and turtles, and 500 pounds of sand.

Now look at that pile.  I relocated all that sand today in buckets, and here it is in the grand kids' "Dirt-Box".  Doesn't look like much in a pile like this, does it?  When I was first told that we needed to get rid of 500 pounds of sand, I thought to myself, "What am I going to do with ALL that sand?"

I suppose we all do that from time to time.  We think that what needs to be dealt with is far bigger than it really is.  But once it is all gathered up in a pile, it doesn't amount to much.  So if you have a quarter-ton of problems to deal with, get out the shovel and some buckets, it's not as much as you think.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Squirrel Pot Pie

Here it is!  The last apple on the tree.  After a full growing season which produced "Dozens" of apples on our solitary apple tree, we are left with just this ONE.  The problem was not the heat, or the drought, or even Hurricane Earl (he was a no-show).  No, the problem was those pesky squirrels.  They have systematically pilfered all but one apple off our tree throughout the year.  One at a time, slowly and methodically, dislodging and disembarking with all our delicious fruit.  No fresh, homemade, out-of-the-backyard, apple pies this year.

The only solution to this situation is "Squirrel Pot Pie!"  My dear wife has made them before.  It takes about seven of those little tree rats to make a good pie.  Add some potatoes & carrots and whip up a nice creamy sauce for the filling and it's wonderful.  I know that if we were to bake a few squirrel pot pies we would certainly have a few apple pies to serve for dessert.

Getting control over our problem critters will alway lead to fruitfulness & abundance.  Take a look at your fruit and see if there is something eating away at the crop that God has intended for you to enjoy.  It's time for some squirrel pot pie!


Saturday, September 11, 2010


                                      (That is a submarine behind them, not a UFO)

Well, actually it was more of a BTSBS (Back-to-School Bible School).  We did everything a bit different this year.  Three days instead of the tradition 5 day with a puppet show each day.  We finished things up on Saturday, and had a out-door, water activity day and then served lunch. We also had a small petting zoo.  All of this was pretty much a first for NTBC with our VBS. 

There are many ways to minister to Kids as well as Grown-ups, and it's nice to try something different every once in a while.  When you turn over a project to others and let them run with the ball, it is amazing to see some of the ideas that flow.  God had blessed NTBC with some extremely creative people.

Creativity & The Work of Ministry should go hand-in-hand.

Chuck (222)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Favorites:

Flavius Josephus
                   37BC - c100AD
   My Favorite Dead, Jewish Historian

"Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day."
                                           Antiquities of the Jews (Book 18, Chapter 3, Par. 3)


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back to School

Yes it's that time of year again.  Lots of youngins are back in the class room, and so am I ... just for the day.  I am subbing for a 5-6 grade class at a local Christian school today.  Yesterday I brought home some books to review to today's classes and OH Boy!

I have to make this short, I need to leave for school ... Young people have so much to learn, and there is so little time.  It is true in the class room and it is as true for all of us in life.  Every day can and should be a learning day.  I'm looking forward to learing a few things today, and not just from this pile of books.

Chuck (221)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The 2 Hour Nap

I was babysitting GB6 today.  The plan was to work this around the BIG 2 hour nap. GB6 would sleep and I could work in my home office and everybody could do all the running they needed to do.  How hard could that be? 

Thirty-Minutes.  That was IT! 30; 3-zero, 1/2 an hour.  Ok, what now?  Rocker, walker, swing, OH Yea ... Bottle!  So a few ounces down and BOOM!  GB6 downloads.  I'm not making this up.  There were no responsible adults in sight (I don't consider myself "responsible" when it comes to diaper-changing) and so here I was with no alternative.  Yuck!  So, I got stuff in, I got stuff out, there should be nothing left to do but rock GB6 to sleep, then back to the office, right?  Wrong.  GB6 would not, I repeat, NOT close both eyes.  There was this one, half closed, eye that would not stop staring at me.  GB6 know I was going to try something, know I had other plans that didn't include a baby on the lap.

There will always be snags in the best laid plans.  It's that human factor that is non-age specific.  There will always be those who need to be cared for especially when we have other ideas of how to spend our time.  It is good to be reminded of this.  People need to be cared for, not just watched or baby-sat.  They require face-time and attention that doesn't come from sitting in an office. 

Thanks for a lovely afternoon GB6.  We'll do it again sometime.

Chuck (Pop-Pop)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Where there is Smoke

We heard the fire whistles down the street, which is not unusual for our neighborhood; but the sound indicted that they were stopping close by.  That day we happened to have Grand Babies 1, 2 & 3 at the house and so, not one to miss an opportunity for adventure, I said to them, "Let's go check it out!"  So all four of us headed down the road barefooted and looking for a fire. 

There was no fire, just a dump-truck who's brakes had heated up and started smoking.  We sat and observed the fire fighters hose it down while the driver stood and watched.  There was only about five minutes of smoke & steam & water spray and then it was all over so back to the house we went.

I know they enjoyed seeing the firetruck & the guys spraying down the truck, but what surprised me was how much they enjoyed walking down the sidewalk in their bare feet!  I suppose I'm a bad influence but it you've got to go bare-footin' every once in a while.  Bare foot experiences can be memorable ones, just ask Moses & Joshua. 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Long Day

Sunday are not a day off when you're a preacher.  I normally rise quite early and go over all my messages for the day.  Often I'm putting the finishing touches on my Sunday School outline & power-point or on some occasions re-writing parts of my morning message.  I'm not complaining about the work, I just know that Sundays are seldom a day of rest for those who minister in the Lord's House on the Lord's Day. 

This morning I was greatly bless to have my DIL2 & Grand-Baby #3 singing a special together during the services.  GB3 sang the whole song, it was cute and she did very well.  I think I teared up as much as my son did t watch. 

Children are never too young to start serving God.  I have always preached that, because I believe that and it brings joy to my heart to see my grown kids practice that.  It makes it worth all the early mornings & late nights & hours of studying and dealing with all the things that go into the work of the ministry.  That is to see your children's children learning to serve the Lord.  All to the Glory of God!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Play Ball

What a wonderful night it was for baseball.  Hurricane Earl stayed away but invited some cooler temperatures for a few days.  So when we headed across the river last night to Citizen Bank Park, we didn't have to worry about the heat or the intense sunshine.  My son Buz & I attended last night's Phillies game by an invitation from D.S. and his dear wife.  Wow!  What Seats!  I have NEVER sat that close to the field before!  You would have to be a player, or in the ground crew to get any closer.  Thank You Bro. D.

One thing though, when you are sitting that close, you have to be on guard for line-drive, foul balls.  My normal seating situation never caused any concern for such a hazard.  The only hazards were low flying aircraft & nose-bleeds.  But when you are that close to the action you have to pay attention to what is going on, be alert & on guard.

That is also so true about the work of the ministry.  There are many distant spectators in the stadium, who keep far enough away, and so are seldom on guard, seldom spiritually alert, and rarely engaged in the action.  Get out of the upper-decks because it's time to take the field and play ball.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Favorites:

"Life is a tragedy for those who feel; and a comedy for those who think."

Chuck (220)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


This must be numbers week on "...and Counting".  Although they are related, somewhat, 2.85 is not a reference to my current weight as was .223.  I would have to consume several bags of Doritos and wash them down with a couple of 2-liter bottles of Dr. Pepper to hit that number.  No, 2.85 is a number I saw on my digital mileage tracker, Run Keeper, RK, while on my run last night.

I had been jokingly encouraged by DIL1 to select a different route for running.  She observed that all of my RK posts had the same map, and thought it was getting kind of boring.  So, for the sake of not being in a rut, I decided to pick a new & exciting route.  This new and improved course literally went "Over the River and Through the Woods" but when I was about to turn into my driveway I notice the number.  I simply couldn't stop at 2.85 miles and call it a good run.  5 kilometers was too close.  So around the block to break the three mile mark.

We far to often stop so close to our desired goals.  Too many 7 semester, former students out there.  Too many churches that almost got started.  Too many marriages that were close to being restored.  Don't quit when you are so close, just one more trip around the block, and look what you can accomplish.

My first 3 mile run in a LONG time ...

Chuck (220)