Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The 2 Hour Nap

I was babysitting GB6 today.  The plan was to work this around the BIG 2 hour nap. GB6 would sleep and I could work in my home office and everybody could do all the running they needed to do.  How hard could that be? 

Thirty-Minutes.  That was IT! 30; 3-zero, 1/2 an hour.  Ok, what now?  Rocker, walker, swing, OH Yea ... Bottle!  So a few ounces down and BOOM!  GB6 downloads.  I'm not making this up.  There were no responsible adults in sight (I don't consider myself "responsible" when it comes to diaper-changing) and so here I was with no alternative.  Yuck!  So, I got stuff in, I got stuff out, there should be nothing left to do but rock GB6 to sleep, then back to the office, right?  Wrong.  GB6 would not, I repeat, NOT close both eyes.  There was this one, half closed, eye that would not stop staring at me.  GB6 know I was going to try something, know I had other plans that didn't include a baby on the lap.

There will always be snags in the best laid plans.  It's that human factor that is non-age specific.  There will always be those who need to be cared for especially when we have other ideas of how to spend our time.  It is good to be reminded of this.  People need to be cared for, not just watched or baby-sat.  They require face-time and attention that doesn't come from sitting in an office. 

Thanks for a lovely afternoon GB6.  We'll do it again sometime.

Chuck (Pop-Pop)


  1. THIS cracked me up!!! I was laughing so hard at the mental picture (vivid!) and then had to go share with Nat. :)

    Thanks for the laugh, Bro. Shorter!

  2. Glad you enjoyed Anne. I wasn't laughing too much yesterday.

  3. Poor Poppop. Hopefully it won't happen again ... but you never know!
