Monday, October 17, 2011

Some Assembly Required

A modular home was being lifted into place last week in E&R's neighborhood, so of course I had to grab a few grand babies and walk over to have a look.  The kids loved the big crane and watching the workers climbing all over the structure to get everything to set in place.  It was fun to watch.  The two-piece house set perfectly on top of the basement walls.  The pitched roof consisted of a clever, hinged design that easily lifted up into place, and then there was also the pre-made front porch waiting to be attached.  Wow.  Instant house.

A good home, like a good house, requires some assembly.  A man and a woman fitly joined together and resting securely on the foundation of a common faith in God and His word.  Many problems on a construction site can be avoided if the laborers will only pay close attention to the blueprints and simply follow the plan.  God certainly has a plan for marriage; including your's.  If we try to put things together without consideration of the master plan, we will eventually discover that things don't fit very well. 


Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Favorites:

"The gospel does not prompt you to mere reflection; the gospel requires a response."
David Platt

Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Thy Word" Wednesday

“How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
Psalm 119:103

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Poke It

After working in the yard the other day I noticed something crawling around the brim of my ball cap.  Not one to shy away from an opportunity to play with a bug, I allowed this inchworm to make his way around my hat while I got the attention of one of my grand babies.  "Poke It", I told her.  "See if you can get it to move".  Bugs are fun to play with, hours of enjoyment, and free entertainment. 

I hope I never out grow the wonder of my Lord's creation.

“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:” Proverbs 6:6


Monday, October 10, 2011


This has been the worst year ever for fruit flies!  Have you noticed that too?  Especially these past few day, they have been relentless in their peskiness.  I had all I could stand and headed to google for an answer to this miniature infestation.  Scrolling past all the "prevention" tips I landed on a page with some interesting inventions for ridding my kitchen of the invaders.

This device is simply constructed of a glass vase (any glass jar will do), a funnel-shaped coffee filter, a rubber band, and a piece of strawberry (any fruit would work).  A small hole in the bottom of the filter allows our little friends to enter but the shape makes it difficult for them to escape. 

The first evening I caught over 20 fruit flies, then an additional dozen last night (they are hard to count) and what you see is this afternoon's bounty.  I don't know where they are all coming from, but their "end is destruction, whose god is their belly".

You don't have to allow pests to fill your life for there is a very simple solution to their removal.  Our Lord reminds us of the forgiveness and cleansing available "if we confess our sins" and "if we walk in the light".  If something is bugging you, isn't it time to get rid of it?  The blood of Christ was shed for you and me so that we don't have to be destroyed in the trap of sin.

Chuck (198)

Friday, October 7, 2011