Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Going Lunar

What do you think of my picture of last night's spectacular, once-in-a-lifetime, Lunar Eclipse?  "Lame" is the first word that comes to my mind.  I have always tried to catch major, stellar phenomenons and so getting up at 1:15 am and standing in the backyard, for nearly an hour, in the freezing cold, was no big deal.  As we were heading to bed last night, I asked my dear wife if she wanted to join me, to which she simple responded that I should take a picture for her to see the next morning.  This is it!  I had my iPhone at my side and with 4G, "Face Time" technology and millions of apps available at the touch of a button, nothing helps when you're trying to take a picture, at night, of an object 238,857 miles away, especially when it is moving into the inky shadows of a large planet.  There's no app for that!

Even if I was able to get a decent pic of this morning's occurrence, that photo would never compare to being an eyewitness.  Seeing the shadow slowly moving across the lunar surface or the sight of the full moon, veiled in pail orange, hanging in the darkened sky near the Seven Sisters and Orion can not be captured in a still shot.  Although seeing pictures of phenomenal events is exciting, nothing replaces the experience.  Such is the reality of life and especially the Christian Life.  Many believers read the Biblical accounts, or the biographies of great men & women of God.  We so easily follow the activities of many missionaries via letter or Facebook, and yet we need to set foot into the night and see the hand of God move across the surface of an object until it once again reflects the light of His glory. 

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”
Psalm 19:1



  1. We were in Mississippi on the 21st and were HONESTLY in an area where we did not feel safe to go outside and gaze at the sky. If we had gone outside, we would have had to watch our backs instead......
