Monday, November 15, 2010


That is where I live, 52.  Some of the kids & grand kids started referring to our house by its number several years ago and it has stuck.  They don't say "My folks' house" or "My Parents' place", but they will say, "We're at 52".  I personally don't view that as impersonal, you see that's how you refer to iconic locations.  "Number 10" is where the British Prime Minister lives.  We don't say "The President's House" but "the White House" or 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Places make impacts, and a home is a big one.  President George W. Bush mentioned in his biography that his dad (#41) felt that he was successful because his children wanted to come home.  That should be the goal, to have such a loving, positive impact that, even when they are grown, that they always feel welcome and desirous to be back at 52.  Home should be an icon, it should represent Joy and Stability and unconditional Love.


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