Monday, November 8, 2010

The "B" Word

How many of you enjoy wearing a hospital gown?  Me neither.  But last week I had my 5-year colonoscopy and I promised you a picture.  Well this is it.  Everything went well and when I woke up they told me there was one small polyp removed which didn't appear to be of any concern.  Today I got the official call from the doctor's office with the pathology results: The "B" word (Benign) and not the "C" word.

Too many people that I know of have heard the "C" word lately. I hate that word, and what it does to lives.  I do believe that God will show Himself to be strong when we are weak, but this is one of those life-struggles that I hope I will never experience.

Today's blog is a Thank You to my LORD for a good test result today, a good Physical last month and a good Prostate biopsy a few months back (That was pre-blog).  The next time I hear the "C" word I hope it's about Cake.


1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord for the "B" word. At first I thought you ment that the colonoscapy was a "blast". :)
