Monday, August 15, 2011


3AM was the time that I woke up on Sunday when I heard the storm.  There were distant claps of thunder and a ever increasing pelting of rain against the window air-conditioner. I listened for awhile, dozed off and awoke an hour later to steady sounds of a downpour.  The storm literally lasted all day.  This is not an exaggeration or a hyperbole.  Now if I said that it rained cats & dogs that would be a hyperbole, but we'll leave the animals out of the conversation.  There was lots of rain.

Seeings that it was Sunday, my first thought was that attendance was going to be very low at church.  Have you heard the old saying?  "It takes 100 gallons of water to bring someone into a Baptist Church but only a few drops to keep them away."  Why do I do that to myself?  Should I preach any different if there were just a few wet souls in the congregation as compared a church-full of dry ones?  I've preach to just a pew-full the day after a snowstorm, and I've ministered in a few country churches where my family doubled the size of the congregation.  It's not about counting the people that you minister to, but ministering to the people that counts.

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night..."  Just deliver God's Word.


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