Thursday, May 26, 2011


CC = 11001000 = ٢٠٠ No matter how it is written it all says the same, 200!  When I stepped on the scale yesterday it read 200.8 and when I jumped on it again this morning said 200.2.  It used to alway say; "Get off me Fat Boy!"  Can you tell I'm a little excited about this, its a milestone for me.

I haven't seen 200 since 1996 and I remember the event so well.  I was invited to attend a preacher's meeting in Ohio so off I went with two other pastors for a few days of feasting on the Word.  There was a family from the Church that put us up for a few days, and they cooked a Gigantic breakfast for us each morning.  They also provided an endless supply of hand-made chocolates.  As we arrived at the Church we were greeted with danishes & coffee; you know that you can't fellowship without a donut in your face.  A spectacular lunch followed the preaching each morning.  Eating and talking, and eating and talking.  The Church folks had a dinner ready for us every evening before we all sat for hours for preaching and than, of course, afterwards a bunch of preachers and missionaries would head to Denny's for pie.  After NON-STOP eating and sitting for three days I gained 15 pounds and never saw 200 again till yesterday. 

Even something that is a great blessing can be a problem and a curse if not handled correctly.  The new job and pay-scale may be great but can also, with more "disposable income", breed covetousness.  The new baby brings great joy but also provides many excuses for not being as involved in God's work as you've been in the past. 

“Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse;” (Deuteronomy 11:26)

Chuck (200!!!!)

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