Saturday, February 5, 2011


Joyce ans I were up and out the door early this morning, heading to the Columbus Farmer's Market.  The Amish bakery was on the list of stops as well as the meat market, and then there was the pretzel stand for a breakfast sausage & egg roll-up.  Great way to start the day.  The Produce Stands are great place to buy fresh fruits & veggies.  There are three different produce places right next to one another.  Each carries just about the same stuff.

My dear wife is an aggressively strategic shopper.  She compares sale ads, she has a routine of several stores that she hits on shopping day, and she has memorized the basic cycle of sale prices on the most important items (Scott's Toilet Paper & Chock-Full-O'-Nuts Coffee).  So when confronting three seemingly identical produce stands she is certainly in her element.  We perused, poked & pondered our way through each aisle.  Green onions from here, cilantro from there and then new potatoes on the rebound.  Oh yes, the basket of green beans, which was the find that determined our dinner plans for tomorrow after church.  The ham is now thawing. 

You would never assume that every produce stand and its inventory were the same in quality and price just because they say "Fresh Produce" on the marque.  So why do people act that way when the marque says "Baptist Church"?  Check the fruit!  See if it's fresh, see if you are getting what is promised and that it will last longer then a day after you get it home.  "By their fruits ye shall know them."


1 comment:

  1. If I passed the Amish bakery first....I might never make it to the green beans......
