Thursday, February 24, 2011

Picture This

This is a picture of lunch, or should I say, what was my lunch.  This is just an example of one of the nearly 2000 pictures that have accumulated on my iPhone.  I have PICS for Thanksgiving and our three Christmases.  There are snowy winter scenes and the dog.  There are several Church Activities and of course TONS of Grand Baby shots.  Trees, pancakes, coffee cups and Chick Fil A.  House projects and holes in the ground.  I take pictures of everything!

What needs to happen more often is down-loading them to my laptop in organized files.  At this point it seems like an endless agonizing process.  This is simply a reminder to self - If you take care of the small things a little at a time they do not become a big giga-mess which slows everything down and requires massive amounts of time and effort to straighten out.  Kinda like sin.  If we would only deal with it when it happens it wouldn't accumulate and make such a mess of everything!

"If we confess our sins, He is faith and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."


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