Saturday, February 26, 2011

Run, Dog, Run

The wind has finally subsided and the rains have ceased here in South Jersey so I figured it was a good day for a short run.  Today was just a one-miler with an added twist, the dog joined me.  I have been wanting to try this ever since we got him last year but never did.  So let me hit the highlights of our first run together:

- Coach was excited and sprinted down the driveway
- I was excited and thought "This is going to be fun"
- Coach was confused when I didn't stop at the first phone-pole
- Coach was annoyed that we stayed in the street on not on the grass
- I was annoyed that Coach kept circling behind me on the leash
- Coach was wondering why we kept passing by all good bushes
- Coach was very excited to enter some new territories
- I was continually reminding him to keep moving
- He was continually reminding me that he was at the end of the leash
- Coach was barely keeping up at the 3/4 mile mark 
- I was amazed when I turned my head to look behind me
- Coach was doing his doggie business in the street while still running!
- I was glad when that one mile was over
- Coach was excited and sprinted up the driveway

Are there any Spiritually Applicable Observations in this event?  Any time that someone attempts something new they often have no idea what to expect or what will be expected of them, so patience is always needed by everyone involved.

One more thing, alway see if someone needs to go to the bathroom before you start a new adventure.  This applies to many things is life.


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