Monday, February 21, 2011

Great Weekend

This past weekend was extremely busy but also very exciting.  Friday I had the opportunity to be a chauffeur and chaperon on GB#1's field trip to Chic Fil A.  This was a great experience with a small group of 1st & 2nd graders. I ended the evening with good mile run and dinner with my wife & daughter.  Saturday was our Sweetheart Banquet at NTBC so between sermon-prep, running errands, and feasting at the banqueting table my day was full.  But the best part of the weekend was the Lord's Day. 

We had several visitors at church:
* A new preacher friend and his family were there.  They also joined us for lunch. 
* There was a military family who recently PCS'ed in (Permanent Change of Station) to Ft. Dix who were back for a second visit.
* There was a family from MD who visits us every time they're in Jersey to see relatives.
* There was a Lady who we hadn't seen for months.  Glad she was there!
* There was a family who visited several years ago who came back to visit.  
* There was a young lady visiting her sister who is in the church.

Then in the Evening Service:
* There was a older couple, they have been involved in Children's Ministries for decades, who stop in and visit every now and then.
* There were many young people in the services that took an active part in the message.  I'll have to tell you about that some time.

I really enjoy weekends like this.  I saw many of the folks from church involved in ministering.  I saw both young and old being encouraged by the Word of God.  God was at work, and that's what is so rewarding.  I am so thankful to be a pastor of one of the Lord's Churches.  Thank you Father.

"I'm feasting at His Banqueting Table
His banner over me is Love"


1 comment:

  1. It was a very good Sunday! My Sunday school class was crammed full of kids!
