Thursday, April 21, 2011

Semis & Roadkill

"Semis & Roadkill" is a sermon title for a message that I haven't started on yet, I still need a text to preach from.  The title came about while I was jogging down in Louisiana several weeks ago.  I had asked someone in the camp office if it was safe to run on the roads around the facility and in a wonderfully, slow, southern voice she said, "Oh no, there are too many semis".  I enjoy listening to 'Souther-ese'.  The long, drawn-out vowels, the slow pace of the dialog and the unique vocabulary.  We would never put our "Pop in a Sack" in New Jersey.  I love it!  And then there's the Grits!  But that's a whole different blog topic.

Not to be at all discouraged by large trucks, I took to the roads the next morning for a few miles (I ran all the way to Texas & back) and had a very enjoyable run.  She was right though, there were a lot of semis on that road.  Fortunately there was also a very wide shoulder to run on.  I alway run, facing traffic and I keep as far away from the road as possible.  Being hit by a semi would be counter-productive to the health benefits of jogging.  But while traveling down the edge of the highway you always come across Roadkill!  There they were, a few carcases and bits & pieces.  Some were recognizable, some were just darkened spots with fur.  I do believe that one showed signs of once being an armadillo, we don't have those up North. 

You can't avoid death even when you are out of the lanes of traffic.  As a Christian I have been promised eternal life, Jesus said "whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die", but while I travel along I must pass by the results of death everywhere.  I don't need to step in it, to lie down in it or pick it up and carry it around with me. I think that will preach.  Death will never touch me, why would I want to touch it?


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