Wednesday, June 1, 2011


What does "Stately" mean to you?  Specifically in reference to a lawn?  That is the question that I think needs to be answered.  I got letter from the Pemberton Borough Code Enforcement Official on Saturday concerning the little strip of grass that lies between "THE CURB AND THE SIDEWALK" (their emphasis, not mine).  The letter said I was in violation of property maintenance code 151-4 L and upon further inquiry discovered that several neighbors had received similar and additional notices.  Seeing that the letter required immediate attention and that I was under threat of "a lien assessed to the owner's property" I dropped a note in the Boro in-basket and spoke to the "Lawn Cop" (my term) yesterday.

After explaining that I cut my lawn weekly (not weakly) I asked the Lawn Cop what standard she used to determine a violation, she replied that the lawn has to be cut in a "Stately Manner".  What does that mean?  How many inches is that?  What is the standard?  There was no explanation except "Stately".  The only standard the Lawn Cop has to go by is subjective and undefinable.  I feel sorry for her because she is going to get an earful over the next few days.  60-some violations went out last week!

There are many folks who risk their eternal life on undefinable terms, such as: "I'm a GOOD person!"  Well, what do you mean by "Good"?  Do yo mean that you never do anything wrong?  And if you have done something wrong, how many wrongs will turn Good into Not-Good?  If you think you're Good, what are comparing yourself to?  Your un-definably Good neighbor?  What's the standard?  Glad you asked.  "There is none good but one, that is God."  "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  "For I know that in me ... dwelleth no good thing."  Based on God's standard you have fallen far short, but also by God's standard you can be saved: "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  God's standard is definable!


P.S. - Someone needs to buy the Lawn Cop a "Yard-Stick"
P.P.S. - I feel better that I've gotten that off my chest.  Thanks for listening.

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