Saturday, August 14, 2010


If you read enough of my Blog or Facebook posts will discover quickly that I am a horrable (horrible) speller.  I have been pathedic (pathetic) in spelling as far back as I can remember.  I do recall that our spelling class in eigth (eighth) grade was the last class of the day.  By then my brain had already shut down for the day and my apothy (apathy) for the subject was born.

My shortcomings were often disgised (disguised) by an increasingly horrible (got it right this time) penmenship (penmanship).  I figured that if it couldn't be read then no one would know if it was spelled wrong.  This great logic got me through high-school and into college.  Yet I have always wished that I had developed this fundamental skill as a child.  "Hey Joyce, how do you spell ..." was my college paper montra (mantra).

Thankfully this digital world we now live in provides "Spell-Check" in nearly every application that I type in.  I have grown to depend on it, but I have to admit some general frustrations:

1. I know that Spell-Check is a crutch & not a remedy for my short comings. When the red-squiggly line appears & the pop-up window says "No Suggestions" I can't help but think, "Boy, you really messed that word up"!

2. I am anxious about hitting the POST button. - I read, re-read & re-re-read to make sure there is nothing spelled right / that is really spelled wrong [If you know what I mean?].

Case  in point: Look at the title of my Blog Post for Aug. 7, "Good Bye Old Friend".  It was originally titled "Good By Old Friend" but after I posted it and thought about it I realized the "By" should be changed to "Bye", so an edit took place then a re-post.  The next day I was reading the book "Go, Dog. Go!":

"Good-by!" is found through out the entire book!!!

This is frustrating for a bad-speller like me.  Or maybe not.  Maybe I should simply publish my own dictionary of varient (variant) spellings of commenly (commonly) misspelled words.  Instead of beating myself up when the red-squiggly appears I can simple (simply) build a database of alternate spellings. 

I am really on to something. 



  1. Let me no when it is published. I will be won of the first in line to by a kopy. In fact I may have sum suggestions....

  2. I've noticed that about that book. It bothers me. lol
