The Red and Blue lights alternately danced across the walls of the parlor, bouncing off any object that contained glass or metal on its surface. Grand-Baby #3 wanted to see what was going on out front of the house so we went out onto the front steps and sat down to enjoy the sight.
The street we live on is posted with a 25 mph speed limit. This generates a lot of traffic stops, revenue & entertainment. GB3 asks, "Is he giving him a ticket?" "It looks like it" I said. We watched, talked and read a half of a chapter of Winne-the-Pooh.
I started thinking of a young girl in our Bible Club back in Delaware over 20 years ago. What ever we were talking about in class sparked the harsh response, "Those Stupid Cops!" She or likely her parents apparently had a bad experience with the police and the "S Word" was used. (We don't say the S word around the GB's). Just then I said to GB3, "The police are our friends. That officer is really nice guy." No real, noticeable response from the four year old and so we continued to read about heffalumps and woozles till all the pretty lights were gone.
So many things to teach ...
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