Thursday, August 5, 2010

So Many Books ...

One of my recent iPhone apps was iBook, which, of course, came with a FREE book.  Here it is, the freebie.  Not one to neglect anything free, and curious of the workings of the application, I started in on this classic work of childhood fiction.

At least once in a year I will put aside the volumes of deep, theological works and dive into a great classic.  Just a few to mention: A Christmas Carol (Dickins), Through the Looking Glass (Carroll). 

So resting on the self, for just for a while, is M'Cheyne, Ryle, Mundell, Strauss & Phillips.

"And what is the use of a book,' thought Alice, 'without pictures or conversation?"


  1. You should see this book on the iPad :o) The illustrations are nice. There are a lot more free books available in the iBook store. Lots of Jane Austen classics...if you're in the mood :o)

  2. Also Flavius Josephus! Great Stuff

  3. I have been reading Baxter's, The Saint's Everlasting Rest for over a year now. Its not that long but I will read a few pages a few mornings in a row and then will not read for several weeks.

    I am also reading A Patriot's History of the United States. I have been reading it for several months it is quite long over 800 pages. I am over half-way through and and presently reading about the Wilson Administration. I appreciate the fact that the authors place in context many of the issues for which American is critizied in her past. They do not justify them but they do explain them. Just recieved a book in the mail, How to Solve Your People Problems by Godwin. We heard this man talking about his book on the radio on our way back to Texas a few weeks ago and I ordered the book before I returned home. Looking forward to reading it.

  4. So many books, so little time. Let me know hoe the "People Problems" book goes.
