Sunday, October 17, 2010

Androids & Zombies

This is a text message conversation that I had with my son Eric the other day.  He was at my house while I was at his house doing some R & T (see yesterday's blog for definition).  Here is the text:

C: "How do I get this heater vent off?"

E: "Pry off face.  Than remove nails on back wall and around the floor vent"

C: "Got It"
C: "I love getting messages that start with: 'Pry off face'."

E: "Works for androids and zombies too"

C: "Cute.  I'll keep that in mind.  I've ripped this one's face off!"

If you know my family then you realize that this would be a typical conversation, and when more of us get together then the dialog gets even more bizarre.  I don't know how our wives stand it.

Bizarre conversations are fine in the family but may not always be appreciated by others.  Some don't have the same sense of humor, while others may take the zombie comment a bit to seriously (S.P.C.Z. members).  And then also, there are somethings that don't need to be taken lightly.  To often God massages to us are twisted, humorized (made that word up) or injected with so many other comments that we forget what we're talking about.  Some messages just need to be send and then responded to.  Nothing added, nothing inferred, nothing more then truth.



  1. I don't know how your wives stand it, either. How many do you have?

  2. Good thing "our wives" have a good sense of humor too. Are trying to be funny?
