Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crunch Time

That was a close call!   Last night I hit the 'Publish Post' button right as the clock was striking mid-night.  Yesterday was very busy, you know, with burying dead animals, paying all my bills (on-line)  and teaching at LVBBI.  After class I sat and talked with Pastor Roland for a while and so I didn't get home till 11:38 PM and I had not BLOGGED yet!  Yes, I know, the world would not stop spinning ... Yes, I know, that my one or two faithful followers would not be texting to see if I was in the hospital on life-support machines ... Yes, I Know, that it really is no big deal ....BUT... when I started writing this blog back on August 4th I decided that I was going to post a blog every day. 

Fulfilling a self-commitment is essential to maintaining personal progress.  You know that.  If I eat health today I will do it again tomorrow.  If a pay my bills on-time this month then next month I will feel compelled to keep the ball rolling.  If I read my Bible today then ... you get the picture?  Progress is progress-ive!  Every commitment followed through on, no matter how "insignificant" adds to the momentum.  Little ones encourage big ones and big ones can eventually be life changing habits.  Make yourself some promises today and see where it takes you tomorrow.

Oh, BTW, when I posted at mid-night, my "Posted At" time read 9:00PM.  Blogger must run on Pacific Time!  I had three more hours before the day was officially over.  But why wait, do it now while you have the time.

Chuck (215)

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