Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thank You Pastor Hammett

I have just returned from the Lehigh Valley Baptist Church and the Appreciation Banquet that was held tonight in honor of the Doug Hammett Family.  Pastor Hammett, his wife Beverly and their two youngest children, Rachel & Sam, will be leaving on Tuesday for the Mission field of Botswana.  After serving faithfully at LVBC for the past 23 years they will seemingly be starting all over again on a foreign field.

Actuality this trip is only a continuation of what God has been doing through them for years.  Every ministry that the Lord calls us to is the next step.  One ministry is preparation for the next ministry.  Discipling one new convert only leads to the next soul to bring to Christ.  God always has something planned for what is next and we should all be eager to see what our Lord has is store.

"The success of a Church is not measured by the number of people that they bring in, but by the number that are sent out." 

And so the ministry continues.....


1 comment:

  1. "The success of a Church is not measured by the number of people that they bring in, but by the number that are sent out."

    EXCELLENT, I love the quote and am blessed extremely by the testimony of Brother Hammett and his family!
